Lessons from the Wife Jacob Did Not Love

Are you feeling unloved or unnoticed? Are you silently hurting and it feels like it will go on forever? And maybe in the midst of this, you think to yourself, if only I could only be different, then I would be loved. Do you think that? There is a woman in the Bible who can sympathize. Her name is Leah and she was the unloved wife of Jacob. Sometimes we can read the Bible with rose-colored glasses, believing the patriarchs are these great men we should look up to. But the truth is, God didn’t choose men because they were great. And he didn’t choose women because they were beautiful or gifted. Consider the sisters Rachel and Leah. Rachel was beautiful and Jacob fell deeply in love with her (Genesis 29). Leah is Rachel’s older sister who the text describes as having weak eyes. Even though Laban tricked Jacob into marrying her before Rachel, he did not love her. Genesis 29 even says Leah was hated (v 31). What pain Leah must have been in, stuck in such a situation. Knowing her father had g...