
We've made it to Saumlaki, a village on Yamdena Island. Today at S's work, I was asked to share a little bit about myself. The team here is really sweet. All of the team are Saumlaki locals and have been very welcoming to me. After I shared about myself a bit, they presented me with a gift that represents their Yamdena identity (some colored cloth) as a token of our kinship in the faith. I have been very blessed by the affection of these people.

I don't have a ton of pictures but here's what I have so far. The first couple are from our trip leaving Ambon. The rest are from Saumlaki.

My room in Saumlaki. You can't really see it well, but it's pouring outside. The rain here is crazy. There are a few more pictures on Instagram. The wifi here is not great so this will probably be my only post until we return to Ambon.


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